The Bible in Five Paragraphs
It all begins when God created a man named Adam and a woman named Eve. They walked with God and followed God, but were deceived and led astray by a serpent. After this they were separated from God, because they had fallen short of the perfect standard that God had placed before them. Now sin entered the world and no human would ever be able to be perfect except one. One of Adam’s descendants was named Abraham and God promised Abraham that he would send someone that would save them from this sin that began generations before, but he didn’t stop there. God also promised that he would give Abraham land and a nation which was indicating the future nation of Israel, God’s nation.
For the next 1500 years, this nation this people would wait, wait for a savior to come. A savior to save them from oppression. Priests, Judges, Kings, and Prophets led them towards God, but the people continuously wandered away from God. Every time someone fell short of that perfect standard a spotless lamb was required to be sacrificed, but God did not forget about his promise to Abraham a thousand years before. The time was here.
In Bethlehem, a baby was born, a baby that would not only change his parents life; but change every humans life. His name was Jesus. He fulfilled the promise that God had given to Abraham. As Jesus grew, his neighbors noticed there was something different about him. He was not like any other child in all of history. He was perfect, and because he was perfect this allowed him to be the sacrifice that would replace the old system. Out with the old and in with the new, no longer did we have to sacrifice every time we messed up but rather Christ would die a death so that we may live.
So not only did Christ come to theĀ earth and die a painful death on the cross, but he defeated the grave, meaning he did not stay dead. He was resurrected to life and came back and stayed with the disciples for 40 days. See even though he had completed his mission on earth, the early church was just beginning theirs. In his final words to his followers, he told them to go to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth making disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He was calling the early church to tell others about him, about his life, and about how to have a spiritual relationship with him and the Father.
So what’s next? Jesus had already come to the earth, he had already died and rose again, but the story doesn’t end there. Jesus would return. He would return in the future when the end times came and he would take his believers to Heaven with him, but in the meantime we are called to tell others about him and his life as he called the early church to do so.