Plot Twist: God is better
My favorite movies have always been the ones with that ending no one ever saw coming. Those films where you spend the whole time guessing and formulating a 15-step theory on exactly who the villain is and why he did it. I often find myself sitting watching with a small smug grin, completely sure that I have solved the case, and that I should probably look into becoming a detective because MAN am I good!!! Of course, I know deep down that the FBI should not hire me because here’s the thing: I’m wrong every time. Just when I think I know exactly what is going on, BAM a twist; an ending and a plan so SO much better than mine could ever be. I love these movies because they impress me; I enjoy them.
I’m a person who loves to plan. I always think I know the best possible outcome of every situation in my life. I formulate a 15-step theory for my own life. I try to solve my way out of any bad situation and use manipulation to achieve a positive circumstance. But I am wrong every time!! Just when I think I’ve got things all figured out, BAM a twist. God smiles at me, and all at once I see that his outcome is so superior to my imperfect human-created one. He surprises me with underserved love, and I stand amazed at this goodness that my mind could never hope to conceive.
God’s plan is ALWAYS better. It chuckles at our narrow-minded idea of the very best available in this life and graciously offers us heaven’s best: the opportunity to just exist in the very presence of the one who Created us. So here’s to a life of learning about who God is, and why he cares, and who we are in Him. Here’s to more surprises. Thank you God for walking with us into lands and onto streets that do not deserve to bear Your precious feet. Here’s to a thousand more journeys on streets of gold.