The Rock
Verses: 1 Peter 2:4-10, John 15:1-8, Matthew 7: 24-27
Our God as a Rock
The Lord our God is referred to with many names, each with its own purpose. A rock is a solid ground upon which man can stand, and a reliable tool to build and create. Rocks and gems are created under extreme pressure and developed over time to become the great wonders we see today.
The passage out of 1 Peter was chosen with the knowledge that the apostle Peter wanted to encourage new believers throughout their doubts and sufferings as a Christian in a time of oppression. We, as believers, as well as God are referred to in this passage as stones, gems or rocks. As stated earlier, Gems are created generally while under extreme pressure and take time to form. Peter uses this as a metaphor for humans because when we choose to follow Jesus we are constantly having our heart and mind renewed (Psalm 51:10), becoming more like Christ. This can also be looked at with the analogy of Jesus being the one true vine and we are his branches that must be pruned to continue to grow and thrive (John 15: 1-8).
Peter calls God a rock to illustrate that he is stable and never changing. He is telling us that He will never leave us and that he is a strong force to carry us regardless of what Satan wants to tell us. When Jesus is giving the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 7:24-27) he tells us that those of us who obey his perfect law are like a man that builds his house on a rock to learn that his house can withstand storms and winds unmoved because of its firm foundation.
I love the illustration of God being our rock, especially that in this day and age, when everything around us constantly changes and constantly reflects poor morals that contradict God’s Word: all we have to do is find the solid rock which will protect us from the turbulent winds of chaos surrounding us. He will be our steadfast love in a time of change as teenagers and as we get older he will be a solid- concrete wall to have our backs when the world seems to be against us.
I encourage you to read the passages cited above and see what other beautiful words stick out to you. My hope in writing this is that you will see how God acts as our rock and that you will, in turn, be that rock for those around you who might not know the goodness of Jesus yet.